1st Step Newsletter   |   October 2022

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Executive Director’s Letter

WOW!! 2022 has been a whirlwind year. Great things are happening at 1st Step Male Diversion Program. We are in the most productive year of our existence. It looks like we are on target to help 30 young men. That is the most we have been able to help until this point. The request for 1st Step services continues to grow because 1st Step has become an integral part of the criminal justice alternatives available in Tulsa County District Court and more recently, the local federal court. All six Tulsa County felony judges rely on 1st Step as an important alternative to incarceration.

In December of 2021 1st Step entered into an agreement with the United States District Attorney for the Northern District of Oklahoma to treat federal defendants. This is the result of the influx of cases from the U.S. Supreme Court McGirt decision. Currently we have six federal participants. 

This year, 1st Step submitted its first Federal grant request. The grant request is in response to a federal RFP about supporting vulnerable at-risk youth and youth transitioning out of foster care. Currently 1st Step relies on the generosity of private donors to provide its essential services. Federal funding is important to empower 1st Step’s continued growth and development.

In 2020, 1st Step expanded its program emphasis on parenting, family counseling, and reunification. Approximately 50% of the young men in our program have children and 89% come from broken homes. The most common occurrence in the ACE assessment (Adverse Childhood Experiences) is absentee fathers. The outstanding work of the 1st Step program in this area culminated in an invitation to present “Strengthening Tulsa Families: Bringing Fathers Home” in a breakout session of the Zarrow Mental Health Symposium in September.

1st Step continues to evaluate its program to improve results. Armed with data developed in our program, 1st Step is a pioneer in “positive psychology” and “intrapersonal transformative evaluation.” As a result, our program has a 4.75% recidivism rate and has improved its retention rate to 90%.

This year we began offering many classes for our participants in-office. We currently offer GED, parenting, work-readiness, online Financial Literacy, and nutrition in-office- and Moral Recognition Therapy courses are coming soon. We collaborate with community entities like Oklahoma State University, Family and Children Services, Suited for Life, Arvest Bank and Union Adult Learning Center to bring classes to our participants. Peer Support and wellness classes are taught at our Rob Nigh residence by house manager Brian Cagle, who is a Certified Peer Recovery Support Specialist. These courses provide skills and information critical to our participants growth and well-being. Bringing the courses inhouse has made them more accessible and better tailored to participants’ needs.

We now operate three living spaces housing 19 men. Unfortunately, two of the living arrangements are rental. Anticipating the future of 1st Step, the Board has decided that consolidating services and constructing a 1st Step Campus would be the program’s most beneficial and cost-effective goal.

1st Step applied to the Oklahoma Joint Committee on Pandemic Relief Funding for America Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds to construct the 1st Step Campus project. The first stage is building a 20-man residential facility envisioned as a private-public-funded project. The Joint Committee on the ARPA funds voted 14-0 to allow our proposal to go to the floor of the state houses for a vote. With the approval of our $300,000 proposal, 1st Step will be halfway to fully funding the first building. 1st Step appreciates your continued support.

A close up of a person 's signature on a white background.

David Phillips

Executive Director and Co-Founder of the 1st Step Male Diversion Program

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Team Member Highlight

Lindy Myers, Program Director

A woman in a blue shirt is smiling for the camera.

I am Lindy Myers, Program Director for 1st Step Male Diversion Program, certified in Behavioral Health Case Management. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in Business, a Minor in Human Resources and currently am pursuing a Master of Arts in Sociology. 

Since I am a graduate of Women in Recovery and can empathize with the challenges that these young men face, I find that working with 1st Step is one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. I too have suffered from addiction, and I once was looking at a 6-year prison sentence. I am acquainted with the difficulty of combating addiction while having no hope or faith for the future. 

1st Step is not a rehabilitation program; we are a habilitation program, which means that we help our young men build a life from scratch. This distinguishes us from other programs. As someone who has been sober for almost four years, one of the things that gives me a lot of pleasure is the fact that I am there to guide these young men and that I am able to share my strengths, hopes, and experiences with them. 

The process of recovery is a journey, and I am so grateful that I can assist these young men daily so that I may continue to give back and stay on my recovery path.

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Participant Spotlight

Garrett Oney

Two men in suits are sitting next to each other

My name is Garrett Oney and I’m originally from Oklahoma City. I was headed for 2 years in prison, but my attorney recommended diversion into 1st Step. I don’t really have any family in Tulsa I can lean on but the 1st Step program has been there for me. They helped me to become a more well-rounded, independent member of our society. The program helped me get a job, a roof over my head, food, and a car when I didn’t have anyone else that could help me. 

I’ve made friends here that feel like family. I’m thankful to be in the 1st Step program and I’m thankful for the great staff here to help me along my journey to freedom. I wouldn’t be where I’m at without 1st Step. They helped me feel as if I deserve a second chance in life and I won’t let any of the staff down. Thank you, 1st Step, for believing in me before I believed in myself!

Participant Spotlight

Steffon McCowan

My name is Steffon McCowan, and I was bound for an 8-year term in prison until my attorney recommended that I be diverted to 1st Step. I am one of the many young men that 1st Step is helping become a better, more stable, and responsible young man in my community and day-to-day life. 1st Step has helped me get my driver’s license and GED. I’m taking classes that are helping me learn how to build up my credit and how to keep track of it. 

I believe that this program is full of loving and caring people that are there just to help us young men be the “best us” that we can be. I appreciate all the case managers that go above and beyond to make sure that our needs are met at the best of their ability. 

I personally think that without coming to this program and having the people that have been placed in my life, I wouldn’t be as far as I am in life right now. Thank you to all the people in the background that I don’t see that helped this program be an opportunity for young men that are willing to change.

Steffon recently received his license, is working a full-time job and recently became a father! He is living with his girlfriend and caring for their new baby girl.

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Newest Team Member

Aaron Schupp

A man with a beard is wearing a pink polo shirt.

We want to welcome Aaron Schupp to the 1st Step Male Diversion Program Team. Aaron is our newest Case Manager here at 1st Step. Aaron has his Bachelor of Science degree in Nutrition Dietetics from Oklahoma State University and is nearing completion of a Master’s in Social Work from Arizona State University. 

In 2016 Aaron was diverted from prison into Veteran’s Treatment Court, an alternative sentencing program in Tulsa. He is a strong advocate for alternative sentencing programs, and he greatly appreciates that 1st Step diverts young prison bound men into a program that provides the structure and discipline necessary for them to constructively navigate life. Aaron says, 

“I am grateful to have the opportunity to help guide these young men on their journeys as they reinvent themselves.” 

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In-house Programs & Classes Updates

Featured Program


Through the 1st Step Mentoring Program, we get to show our guys an attractive lifestyle outside of drugs and alcohol. Most of our mentors are in recovery or formally involved in the court system themselves. Yet they are also successful, positive men who help 1st Step participants navigate through everyday life events. They tell 1st Step participants, “I have been exactly where you are right now. I’m just like you!” And then the mentors help participants achieve, at times, what can seem impossible.

We hold monthly mentorship events. 1st Step young men work very hard at changing their lives. The mentorship events are an opportunity to have fun together and build bonds between participant and mentor. We play paintball, go see a concert or sporting event, or just have fun together. Our goal is to help these young men learn to trust again and build relationships outside of their old toxic environment and peers. 1st Step’s original mentoring program model encountered challenges, but with this model participants are eager to participate. As one said, “I am so glad my mentor is part of my life.”

Executive Director David Phillips with 1st Step graduate Byron Daniels, now gainfully employed in the trucking industry.

Class Update

Parenting Class

One of the first steps on the habilitation journey of 1st Step participants is completing a parenting class. In June 2022, 1st Step incorporated into its program Parenting Inside Out (PIO)®, an evidence-based, cognitive-behavioral parent management skills training curriculum for justice-involved parents. It has been shown to reduce recidivism and criminal behavior while improving parenting knowledge and practices. PIO® uses social learning theory to teach cooperation and problem-solving in the context of learning parenting skills, helping parents promote healthy child adjustment, preventing child problem behavior, and building resilience in children.

Almost 50% of participants in the 1st Step Male Diversion Program have children and given the age range of participants (18-30 years of age), it is likely the remaining 50% will become fathers shortly after Program completion. 1st Step participants typically come from chaotic childhoods characterized by absentee parents, parental incarceration, parental substance use, violence, and abuse. They suffer from substance use disorder and mental illness. Many are high school dropouts. Their model and knowledge of parenting is woefully inadequate and distorted. The 1st Step Male Diversion Program gives these young non-violent felons the opportunity to become successful fathers and partners, as well as productive members of society.

The Parenting Inside Out course, consisting of 24 1-hour group sessions, is conducted by a staff member from Family and Children’s Services. 1st Step greatly values its collaboration with this significant Tulsa non-profit, and appreciates the critical information imparted to 1st Step participants.


20 Bed Residence

Thanks to building plans developed by architect Jeanie Kvach and architectural renderings created by architect Whit Todd, 1st Step Male Diversion Program has a wonderful vision of an exciting 20-man residence it will begin building as soon as it identifies a building site. The new structure will be a barndominium- attractive, functional, and designed to meet our specific needs — for about $106 per square foot.

The parcel of land 1st Step will purchase will enable us to build a gated and secure compound. It will allow us to consolidate resources and reduce the cost of 1st Step services provided to participants. Future plans include additional smaller housing units, classrooms, offices, recreational areas, and gardens.

The growth of our program has been stymied because we have not had enough beds to house the number of men that the justice system refers to us. Throughout 2021 we actively sought additional residences- apartment buildings and houses- to purchase. At every turn, we were unsuccessful in obtaining a reasonably priced residence. As a result, we started looking for land on which to build. We withdrew our bid on a 16-acre parcel of land due to problems with liens and outstanding IRS taxes. The search is continuing.


1st Step Participates in Zarrow Mental Health Symposium

On September 28, 1st Step Executive Director David Phillips, 1st Step Clinician Dan Duffy MD, and 1st Step Program Director Lindy Myers joined more than 800 participants at the 2022 Zarrow Mental Health Symposium “Exploring Family Constructs”, as presenters at one of the 54 breakout sessions scheduled over the 3 days of the virtual conference.

1st Step’s topic, “Strengthening Tulsa Families: Bringing Father’s Home” outlined 1st Step’s strategies, practices, interventions and resources for trauma-informed psychoeducation and behavioral change support with the goal of restoring healthy individual and family dynamics for 1st Step participants. More than 50 attendees joined the 1st Step breakout session and engaged in animated discussions following the presentation.

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Upcoming Events

Just the Beginning Fall Carnival

October 29, 2022

Male International Resource Fair

November 10, 2022

Friendgiving at the Dream Center

November 19, 2022

1st Step Christmas Party

December 16, 2022

Christmas Toy Drive at the Dream Center

December 17, 2022

You can help change a life. Join our mission and help these young men take the 1st Step to a better future.

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